Swift Concurrency and Legacy Primitives: A Balancing Act
Swift Concurrency, introduced in WWDC21, offers a safer and more efficient approach to asynchronous programming compared to Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). However, integrating Swift Concurrency with older primitives like NSLock and GCD requires careful consideration to avoid potential pitfalls.
1. Swift Concurrency vs. GCD
Swift Concurrency distinguishes itself from GCD in its threading model and its approach to handling blocked threads.
Threading Model:
GCD: GCD employs a thread-pool model where threads are dynamically created and managed by the system. This can lead to thread explosion, particularly with concurrent queues, where the system might overcommit by creating more threads than CPU cores. GCD dynamically adjusts the number of threads based on system load and available resources.
let queue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background)
for i in 0..<100 {
queue.async {
// Perform some lengthy task, such as:
print("Task \(i) is running on thread: \(Thread.current)")
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 2) // Simulate a long-running task
This code could potentially create 100 threads, even if the device has fewer cores. Each task is dispatched to the global concurrent queue, and GCD might create a new thread for each task, especially if the tasks are CPU-bound or blocking. This can lead to performance issues due to excessive context switching and resource contention.
Swift Concurrency: Swift Concurrency, by default, utilizes a cooperative thread pool limited to the number of CPU cores. It uses cooperative multitasking, where tasks voluntarily yield control to allow other tasks to run, thus efficiently utilizing CPU cores and preventing thread explosion.
func lengthyTask() async {
print("Lengthy task is running on thread: \(Thread.current)")
await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 2_000_000_000) // Simulate a long-running task
func anotherLengthyTask() async {
print("Another lengthy task is running on thread: \(Thread.current)")
await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
async let task1 = lengthyTask()
async let task2 = anotherLengthyTask()
await task1
await task2
This code leverages the cooperative thread pool and ensures efficient utilization of CPU cores. When await
is encountered, the current thread can be potentially freed up to execute other tasks while waiting for the awaited task to complete. This helps prevent the creation of unnecessary threads and minimizes context switching overhead.
Handling Blocked Threads:
GCD: When a thread in GCD is blocked, the system might spin up new threads to handle remaining tasks, potentially exacerbating thread explosion.
let queue = DispatchQueue.global()
queue.sync {
// This blocking operation will halt the current thread
let url = URL(string: "https://www.example.com/large_file.zip")!
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url) // Download a large file (blocking)
print("Downloaded data size: \(data.count) bytes")
If this occurs within a concurrent queue with multiple tasks, GCD might create additional threads to continue processing tasks. Downloading a large file can take a significant amount of time, during which the thread executing this code is blocked, waiting for the download to complete. In a GCD-based system, if other tasks are enqueued on the same concurrent queue, GCD might create new threads to handle those tasks, potentially leading to thread explosion.
Swift Concurrency: Swift Concurrency replaces blocked threads with lightweight continuations. These continuations track the resumption points of suspended tasks, enabling threads to efficiently switch between work items without the overhead of full thread context switches.
let url = URL(string: "https://www.example.com/large_file.zip")!
do {
let data = try await Data(contentsOf: url)
print("Downloaded data size: \(data.count) bytes")
} catch {
print("Failed to download data: \(error)")
Using await
allows the current thread to be freed while waiting for the file data, avoiding thread blocking and allowing the thread to potentially handle other tasks. The await
keyword signals a potential suspension point. When the code execution reaches await
, the current task can be suspended, and the thread can be used to execute other tasks. Once the awaited operation (downloading the file) is complete, the task is resumed, and the execution continues from the suspension point.
2. Safe Primitives vs. Legacy Primitives
Swift Concurrency promotes the use of safe primitives like await
and Actors for data synchronization. Actors guarantee mutual exclusion, preventing data races by ensuring that only one method call can execute at a time. However, there are situations where using these might not be ideal, such as when modifying and reading individual properties within a complex state machine. Actors don’t guarantee the order of operations, potentially leading to race conditions if not handled properly.
3. Deadlock Scenario: GCD Queues and Swift Concurrency
Problem Description
Integrating Swift Concurrency with GCD can lead to deadlock scenarios, especially when tasks are blocked inside GCD queues. Understanding how GCD queues work and how they differ from Swift Concurrency is crucial to avoid these issues.
GCD Queue
Serial Queue: Executes tasks one at a time in the order they are added. This ensures that tasks do not run concurrently and are processed sequentially.
Concurrent Queue: Allows multiple tasks to execute simultaneously. Tasks are started in the order they are added, but they can run in parallel and complete in any order. GCD concurrent queues can overcommit by creating more threads than there are available hardware threads to ensure work progresses.
Swift Concurrency
Task & Continuation: A
represents a unit of asynchronous work that can be awaited. Together withContinuation
, they allow asynchronous code that doesn't useasync/await
to be integrated into Swift's concurrency model by capturing the continuation of an operation. In this context, it can be used to integrate GCD. -
Non-Overcommitting: Swift Concurrency does not expect blocking and will not overcommit CPU cores. This means it efficiently manages resources but can lead to deadlocks if tasks are blocked.
Problem When Swift Concurrency Task Is Blocked Inside GCD Queue
When a Swift Concurrency task is blocked inside a GCD queue, it can lead to a deadlock if the queue is waiting for a thread from the thread pool to dispatch a task, but no threads are available because they are all blocked.
Code Example: Read & Write Patterns Using GCD Concurrent Queue
import XCTest
final class BarrierTests: XCTestCase {
func test() async {
let subsystem = Subsystem()
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for index in 0 ..< 100 {
group.addTask { subsystem.performWork(id: index) }
await group.waitForAll()
final class Subsystem {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "my concurrent queue", attributes: .concurrent)
func performWork(id: Int) {
if id % 10 == 0 { write(id: id) }
else { read(id: id) }
func write(id: Int) {
print("schedule exclusive write \(id)")
queue.async(flags: .barrier) { print(" execute exclusive write \(id)") } // Asynchronous write with barrier
print("schedule exclusive write \(id) done")
func read(id: Int) {
print("schedule read \(id)")
queue.sync { print(" execute read \(id)") } // Synchronous read, blocking the caller
print("schedule read \(id) done")
Multiple Synchronous Reads: Allowed with the concurrent queue, blocking the caller.
Barrier for Writes: The write operation is dispatched asynchronously with a barrier, ensuring it can only proceed when no other reads or writes are running concurrently.
While the code might not immediately cause a deadlock, it has the potential to do so when:
An event triggers multiple read and write operations.
A large number of read operations start from a Swift Concurrency context, consuming available threads.
A write operation is triggered, making an asynchronous call to the concurrent queue under the
option. -
The queue waits for a thread from the thread pool to dispatch the write operation, but no threads are available due to blocking reads. Since Swift Concurrency won't overcommit, the barrier isn't cleared, leading to a deadlock.
GCD and Swift Concurrency: They seem to share the same thread pools, which can exacerbate the issue.
Deadlock Consequences: When this deadlock occurs, subsequent tasks will not be dispatched, leading to program malfunction. The main thread (MainActor) may still work and receive events, but other threads will not make progress.
Rule of Thumbs & Considerations
Avoid Blocking: Do not block work inside Swift Concurrency, such as using
on another GCD queue, especially for future work that is not actively running but enqueued (e.g., async dispatch with a barrier). -
Limit Task Creation: Avoid creating too many Swift Concurrency tasks using
blocks orTaskGroup
, as unexpected blocking can easily lead to deadlocks, especially when interacting with legacy frameworks. -
Minimize Mixing: Try to avoid mixing Swift Concurrency and GCD, as it can lead to unexpected behavior and be difficult to debug.
By understanding these concepts and following best practices, you can mitigate the risks of deadlocks when integrating Swift Concurrency with GCD.